Web Račun - Fiskalna Blagajna

by Saša Vukšić



Web Invoice is a fast and simple mobile fiscal cash register with the possibility of printing invoices on a USB and bluetooth POS printer.In addition to the Android application, there is also a web application at www.webracun.com that you can use in parallel with the Android application (eg you can do administrative work on a computer, and issuing invoices on a mobile phone or tablet - the data will always be synchronized).By registering and using it for free, you do not assume any obligations and hidden costs.The Web Account has all the functionalities of a classic fiscal cash register- issuance and fiscalization of invoices- archive of all issued invoices, cash balances- catalog of articles and services- customer base- tax recapitulation- real-time monitoring of the state of the treasury and issued invoicesFor more information, visit: www.webracun.com